Wednesday, December 26, 2018

About the blog title...

So, a favorite fairy tale of mine is East of the Sun and West of the Moon. Lately, I've been into the idea of this unreachable land that, once rid of the evil trolls ruling it, is sort of this light at the end of the tunnel. A place you've always dreamed of that, once you've overcome all your struggles, waits for you somewhere down the line. Maybe it's just me and my dreams of something better than what I'm living now or my undying hope that this depression I've been in is merely an obstacle I'll be able to defeat someday, I don't know. My point is this: I see this land East of the Sun and West of the Moon from this epic Norwegian fairy tale as a symbol of someone, anyone really, moving past what troubles them to get to the wonderful thing they want more than anything else. It means more to me than I can really express in a blog post on the Internet.

Having created this blog, I wanted to give it a name that reflected my own love of fairy tales and the fantastical. Something that would also stand as a testament to where I am in life right now. I went through a couple different potential titles at first, those being "The Tales of Lyrical Wisteria" and "Lyrical Prestidigitation". When all was said and done, though, I kept coming back to East of the Sun and West of the Moon. It was inevitable that I'd end up incorporating that into the title. Of course, I was going to have to shorten that story title and work it into some sort of creative name. How does someone like me pick between the sun and the moon, though? I am utterly besotted with both for the beauty that they offer. Ultimately, the moon won out because the night is when I feel most alive and most creative. At times I feel like I'm a whole other person at night. For a blog that features my writing, what could be more fitting? Thus, "West of the Moon" became "West of the Silver Crescent", this platform upon which I am writing in the late hours of this fine evening for the day after Christmas. The rest, as they say, (well, "they" say it and I modified it. Whatever.) is digitally encrypted history, the likes of which we'll discover may or may not have been a huge mistake. We shall see.

On a closing note, this is technically my first blog post. The one I posted before is a prose poem I wrote, not really a "blog" post. I've never done this whole blogging thing before, so this actually feels pretty cool. All my previous points having been addressed, I welcome you to my blog and I hope you'll find something to like about it. Sayonara and good night, readers.


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